Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Doctor Strange In The Multiverse of Madness [2022]

I finally had a chance to watch the movie. And honestly, it was great! The one thing I was really happy about was that Wanda was not one of the good guys (even though she got a bit of a redemption arc at the end). Still, she died, and frankly, I'm happy about that. Really happy. Mostly because when I watched the trailer for this, it seemed like she was going to be one of the good guys. And I just really hate her. She is one of my least favorite characters. 

But like I said, the movie was great and I really enjoyed it. Action-packed and I just couldn't stop watching. The multiple Doctor Stranges were really interesting, though (spoiler) when our Strange possessed the dead Strange, I had a bit of a flashback to the movie Army of Darkness (Evil Dead franchise) as well as the new Evil Dead game and the titular Evil Ash (main bad-guy). There was just a little bit too much of a resemblance. Including the dead Strange's clothing. 

I DO have to admit that I was a bit surprised the first time they showed Wanda's kids. Honestly didn't know what to think about that. Only to realize that it was the main Wanda dreaming about a diff. reality. So yeah, that threw me for a loop, but only for a little while. I also need to stop looking at the cast and who they play because it usually only confuses me. Like, I saw a black actress playing captain Marvel and I was so confused. Only for the movie to make it perfectly clear it was an alternate universe Captain Marvel and not the original one. So yeah, need to stop doing that. 

But honestly, great movie. It even has a mid-credits scene and one post-credits. Though I then needed to google who that purple lady was. Only to learn she is really important in the comics and some kind of a witch. And wants Strange's help with sorting out the mess he made by traveling the multiverse or something like that. 

Oh, and remember how I said the dead Strange reminded me of Evil ash? Well, the actor who played Ash in Evil dead had a small role in this movie and was even in the post-credit scene - Bruce Campbell. I was really surprised to see him there, but honestly, why not. Why the heck not. Right? 

So, if you are a Marvel fan, go watch it. And if you wanted Wanda to die for a while, go watch it and you will get your wish. And those of you who actually like Wanda, sorry, but not sorry. I'm happy she's dead. And I hope she will stay that way. 

And I guess that's it for now. Bye!


Written on the 2nd of July, 2022

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