Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Staryu spotlight hour


It's gonna be a Staryu spotlight hour soon in Pokemon Go. Starts at 6PM. I'm looking forward to it. Maybe I'll finally be able to get a good one or even a shiny. I would really love a shiny Staryu. but honestly, I'll be happy with a normal one as long as it has some relatively good IVs. 
And maybe I'll also be able to evolve it. I had a Staryu, but it had pretty bad IVs and I didn't have enough candy to evolve it. So I transferred it. Right now, I don't have one.
I have recently started checking ongoing and upcoming events for Pokemon Go on leekduck. That's how I know what's coming. 

On another note, but still quite related. I have managed to finally defeat Giovanni, the Rocket Boss. I honestly don't know how I managed that, but I did. And yet, I'm not very happy about it. I did not necessarily need a shadow Latios (? Or was it Latias right now? Don't remember, but one of them).
On the other hand, I had like 3 Giovanni radars saved and I wanted the new research. So I used one and somehow won the battle. And now I'm working on the new research. 

And I guess that's it for this post. Hope to see you at the next one. 


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