Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Pokemon Go


I have been playing way too much Pokemon Go. However, I finally got my own Mewtwo. I wanted that one probably right from the moment I started to play the game back in (I think) 2018. Well, I finally figured out how to get myself invited to 5star raids and that is how I got him. Very happy about it. Really. The only problem with this is getting the remote raid passes needed for it. So the reality is that I'm basically limited to one raid per two days. And that is if, IF, I have enough pokemon in gyms and get at least one knocked out per day and get those 50 poke coins per day. If not, it can be even three or four days between raids. Still, so far, it is the best way I have to win 5star raids. 

I have also found a semi-working way to farm stardust. Mostly just entering one league battle after another and occasionally winning. Mostly losing though. Because I'm not putting in much effort. Just collecting the stardust reward for five-battle participation. Still, good enough for me. For now. The only problem is that there doesn't seem to be enough people battling in the league so I have to wait way too long for the system to find me an opponent. So far, that is the only downside to this. Oh, and the fact that you are limited in the number of battles you can participate in per day.