Wednesday, March 31, 2021

R. A. Salvatore - Forgotten Realms - Homeland


Guess what? I got myself all the Legend of Drizzt books in the audiobook version. That's like... Almost forty books. I've read the first few a long time ago in Czech as actual books. Back then, I had no clue about audiobooks and they were not really common yet anyway. But now, I'm watching D&D on youtube and getting back into some other things, and voila. I feel like reading some Drizzt. So I got myself the whole collection and here we go. I usually listen to audiobooks while I'm at work. When I'm alone in the office. 

Drizzt is a dark elf - a drow. And he doesn't fit in. He has an actual functioning moral compass. The only other drow that has similar views and beliefs is his biological father, Zaknafein Do'Urden. Unfortunately, he dies at the end of the first book. Bummer. He's my second most favorite character. So, Drizzt learns how to fight from him, then learns other things from the academy. 

All in all, the whole first book is just showing us how Drizzt doesn't fit in the typical Drow society and how evil they actually are. Their goddess, the spider queen Loth, is pure evil. Honestly, I've always liked these books. Though, as I first read them in Czech, I keep thinking back to what the translation of certain names was and honestly, I mostly can't remember. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The Long Dark

Unbelievable! I haven't written about this game yet. I simply cannot believe it. I started playing this game when it was still in its beginning stages. Back when there was no story mode. No Wintermute (Story mode name) or challenges. Back then, your only goal was to survive. And back then, there were also no cheats. So you had to do it the hard way. I used to play on the easiest mode. And while I wouldn't probably ever play on Interloper, I do enjoy the mode where wildlife can still seek you out. Voyager, I think it is what I'm playing on. 

The game is still expanding and we're expecting episode 4 of story mode this year. I can't wait for it. I mean, survival is nice, but a story is a story. 

So, how does this work. You spawn in a map of your choice or you go at random, but within the map you pick, you can spawn more or less anywhere. You have some starting gear, that can vary too. But you will definitely start with some food and some clothes as well as, I think, some fire-starting tool. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Curly hair

 I got inspired by Yong Chen on youtube. Again. I love his videos. They are very informative when it comes to drawing techniques. And they are very easy to follow. He did it in charcoal, I did it in pencil with a little bit of help from a white gel pen. What do you think?


Written on the 13th of February, 2021

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Is it snow or stars?


Could be both. I don't know. Though the intention was for it to be stars. Whatever, you decide. Done in watercolors. 


Written on 13th of February, 2021

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

A Little Chick

This little sketch was heavily inspired by one of Yong Chen's videos on Youtube. It's done in pencil and in my smallest sketchbook. And I'm starting to want to add c before h in every word because I've been brushing on my german and it's how you write it there. It's a little annoying that my fingers do that without question even if I'm trying to write in English.
Hope you like it.


Written on the 14th of January, 2021