Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The Long Dark

Unbelievable! I haven't written about this game yet. I simply cannot believe it. I started playing this game when it was still in its beginning stages. Back when there was no story mode. No Wintermute (Story mode name) or challenges. Back then, your only goal was to survive. And back then, there were also no cheats. So you had to do it the hard way. I used to play on the easiest mode. And while I wouldn't probably ever play on Interloper, I do enjoy the mode where wildlife can still seek you out. Voyager, I think it is what I'm playing on. 

The game is still expanding and we're expecting episode 4 of story mode this year. I can't wait for it. I mean, survival is nice, but a story is a story. 

So, how does this work. You spawn in a map of your choice or you go at random, but within the map you pick, you can spawn more or less anywhere. You have some starting gear, that can vary too. But you will definitely start with some food and some clothes as well as, I think, some fire-starting tool. 

When you spawn, the most important thing, in my opinion, is to take stock of what you've been spawned in with. See what you have and what you need. One of the most important tools (IMO) is a hatchet (or a hacksaw, but that one is harder to find). A hatchet allows you to harvest wood and other resources as well as fight off wolves. I don't think you can fight off a bear in close combat. You have to snipe them from afar and kill them before they can reach you. This brings us to the second most important item you need. A gun. Either a rifle or a revolver. Both are pretty hard to find. But some possible locations for the rifle are in the Mystery Lake map - The trapper's house or the forestry lookout. As for the revolver, I got lucky the last time, as I found it twice in the exact same location - If you go from Mystery lake to Forlorn Muskeg and follow the rails right through and then to the next map, there's a house on a cliff, up up up. And there's a car there. I found it on the back seat. Twice in two games. 

And no, I didn't just start a new game willy nilly. I simply deleted my previous save even though I was already pretty strong at that point. But, I got careless and got myself afflicted with frostbite. Frostbite is not something that was in the very early game and it still throws me off sometimes. I keep forgetting about it. But, frostbite is dangerous. The injuries you get from it are permanent. And they drastically decrease your chances of surviving a long time. So whenever I get careless and get frostbitten, I simply start over. You can't heal frostbite. Not even with cheats.

So, do you wanna play it? I think you should give it a try if you're into survival games. Oh, and the best skill to level up as quickly as possible? Cooking. If you reach level 5, you get immunity to food poisoning (but not from raw meats, this only applies to food that's already cooked or doesn't need to be cooked). I only got to that level once so far, but I'm working on it. I'm working on it. 

So, try the game and tell me what you think. Okay? 


Written on the 13th of February, 2021

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