Saturday, August 1, 2020

The Umbrella Academy - Season 1 [2019]

Before I watched I'm Not Okay With This, I watched The Umbrella Academy. At first, I was a little iffy about it. I was delaying watching it all the time, thinking it wouldn't be all that interesting. Well, I take it all back. The show is awesome! And, it seems like I have a thing about shows based on comic books. 
Yes, The Umbrella Academy is also based on a comic book. Unlike I'm Not Okay With This, it has several volumes. I haven't done any research on the comics. The only thing I know is that the White Violin - Vanya, looks completely different in the show. In the comic books, she becomes the White Violin. But here, played by Ellen Page, they took a different approach to it. And I think they did great. The way they show the transformation from Vanya to the White Violin is awesome. Her black suit becomes white and even the violin she's playing changes color. She's also surrounded by this white halo! 
I wanted to link to the scene, but that specific scene is nowhere to be found, so just watch the whole show. And pay extra attention during the last episode because that transformation is truly epic! 
Yet, even with all this, I don't think that Vanya is the villain. I think it's more like Loki from MCU. She's misunderstood and her own father fears her. It doesn't matter he's her adoptive father. If he nurtured her right, she wouldn't have snapped in the end. And yes, while the guy that encouraged her powers was a douche, he had the right idea at least in the beginning. She needs help learning how to properly control her powers, not have them locked them away. I think that the next season will be a Vanya redeeming season. And I hope that she will end up fighting with her siblings against some much worse evil. 
Her powers are visually the best. Well, her and Ben (the dead guy). 
Luther... The "oldest" brother. I don't like him. He doesn't use his brain enough. I like number five and Diego. Even Klaus. As for Allison, I understand that at four years old, she didn't understand what she did to Vanya, but when she grew older, the moment she realized what she did, the first thing she should have done was to apologize. To grovel. 
And Pogo? The monkey guy? He knew. And he never said anything either. I understand that there would be no plot if they acted differently, but still, it doesn't sit well with me. Frankly, I was glad that Pogo got killed. I only wished Vanya wasn't the one to do it. 
All in all, the show was great and I am looking forward to watching season 2. Considering how S1 ended, I think we have a lot to look forward to in the next season! Even donut lady. Considering her and that agent - Hazel, used the time-traveling briefcase just before the apocalypse hit. So I'm pretty sure we haven't seen the last of them.
Seriously, go watch it, and then we can talk about it in the comments, okay? 


Written on the 26th of July, 2020

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