Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Dark Arisen+

 So yeah. I finished the game. And now I guess I know why I had it on my Steam wishlist... It has a NewGame+ feature. I love those. And there was a time where I would look specifically for games that have that option. One of the reasons I'm a proud owner of The Witcher 3. The second being the Netflix show. But let's ignore that one for now. 

I think there are two main types of NewGame+. One is what is used in Resident Evil 4 and 6 (And probably 5 but I didn't play that one). I'm not sure which I prefer, but this type doesn't have levels. It is RPG but without the leveling system. Basically, if you have the gold, you can buy any equipment you want, if it has been unlocked. In this type of game, once you clear it and start the + option, you get to keep all your gear and all weapons are unlocked right from the beginning. 
Of course, this then leads to an overfilled inventory where you're forced to just drop some of your loot or not collect it at all, as these games usually have limited space in your inventory. That's mostly because they don't operate with any kind of a weight system or stamina. There are simply slots and once they are filled, you are fucked. 

The other system, however, operates with those. There is usually some kind of a weight system. I think this is more common. Some kind of a weight system where your character can only carry so much. Of course, in today's society of cheaters, it's not that hard to work around that. And not just in NewGame+ games, but also in games like Skyrim or even Grimrock (Though this one is a hybrid where both those inventory systems are used and I'm not gonna get into it). 

Dark Arisen firmly fits into the second system. Well, firmly. I think that the inventory space is limited, but at the same time, unless you're cheating and bypassing the weight restriction, you'll never get to the point of running out of slots. 

Okay, with that out of the way, I BLOODY HELL HATE THAT ENDING! And yes, I went for the actual ending. Not the dragon deal or the peace ending. I killed the god Arisen and then sat on that throne. And killed my beloved character! And then they fall and the pawn takes on my Arisen's appearance and I'm like: What the fuck! I didn't sign up for that! 

So yeah, I'm still bitching about that. So I promptly started an NG+ and I'm gonna run through Bitterblack until I get the perfect armor for my boy. And by perfect, I mean perfect looking. I don't care about the stats at this point. I just want him to look his best. Before I have to kill him again... 


Written on the 5th of October, 2020

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