Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Cat-sistant, Box-Kitty and a Shelving Cat

My cat's middle name is Trouble. Even though she doesn't have a last name. Her official name is Ňuffa. Yes, with 'Ň' and double F. At least that's the way I spell it. And not only is she completely dumb, but she is also trouble and doesn't know when to quit. This first photo is more or less normal, I mean, cats love boxes... So this is the 'Box-Kitty'. And yes, it's a DragonFable reference. The thing is, she also likes to bite the boxes. We can't have any cardboard boxes anywhere. Not with her around. The one that has all her toys is all bitten on the rim. 
As for this one, that was a temporary box. Something came in it I think, and we just left it on the floor and this little troglodyte decided to claim it as her own. So there. I took a photo of her in it.
And this one is the Shelving Cat. I have no idea what she's doing in there, but there must be something really interesting for her to climb up there. And I'm still wondering how that glass fishbowl survived. Not that there were any fish in it at any point, I used to use it as a candle holder. But now, I don't even know where it is... No matter, I don't need it. 
But still, what the heck is there that's so interesting?! Write your suggestions in the comments, okay? I'd like to know what you think sparked her interest. :D

Last one. The Cat-sistant. Mom works from home right now. Probably will for quite a while yet. And well... She has a new assistant. Our cat. She decided that that was the best place to sleep. But god forbid someone actually calls mom. Ňuffa si right up and wants to answer the phone herself. And her meowing is really quite obnoxious when she wants it to be. 
She doesn't meow, it's something between screech, wail and the sound a pigeon does. So really quite horrible. 
Oh, and one day, she was sitting on the printer. Even managed to print something. But it spooked her when the machine came to life and she bolted. Too bad. I wanted to take a photo of her sitting there. But she's fast. Oh well, I'll take a photo another time when she tries something crazy. 

So, what do you think of my cat? One of three. She's the only one who would rather be inside than outside though. Unless it's the evening and soon to be night. Then she just has to go out and be obnoxious there. Yeah, she can be pretty obnoxious when she wants to be if you haven't figured it out by now. But I don't mind. She's my cat and I wouldn't exchange her for anything. Well, almost anything. But that's a completely different story. And it's something that will never have a chance of happening. Cause the thing I would exchange her for is way too outlandish to ever become reality. 


Written on the 18th of July, 2020

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