Wednesday, September 9, 2020

A Cat, A Hand, And A Forest

Hello everybody, I got three new pictures for you. I also have to write this on my notebook's inbuild keyboard and it's a pain in my neck. I prefer an external keyboard but I didn't want to bring that monster of a thing with me. So I have to make do with this one. Oh well. So, the first picture is a painting of a Cat that Got the Canary. She's looking way too smug for anything else. It is done with acrylic paints on a canvas board. I first painted the background with a pastel shade of green and let it dry. Then I got out my brown, white, and yellow paints. Yes, yellow. And I'm glad I added it. It brightens the cat considerably. Oh, and she almost didn't have front paws. I forgot about them. But then I remembered and added them. More of an afterthought but at least I didn't forget altogether. Like I did when drawing this dragon picture. I forgot the back wing. And then I had to add it. And re-photograph it and re-upload it and it was a pain. So I'm glad I didn't forget this time. Really good thing that, as this painting was a gift for my aunt. So you can't call dibs! 

The second picture is just a practice sketch of a hand. I did this while watching a Yong Chen video on YouTube. He has really good tutorials. Though most of them are with charcoal. I got nothing against charcoal it's just that I prefer a pencil or other media. Even paints are preferable to charcoal. But I'm learning nonetheless. So I did this practice hand and while it's definitely not perfect, I also think it's one of my better ones. I do struggle with hands quite a lot. Not always, sometimes, it turns out exactly as I want but more often than not, the fingers just look way too weird. This was a part of a bigger picture originally. But the topic of the video was just the hand so he eliminated all the other elements and said to focus just on that. So I did. And then, just to make it pop a little, I added a highlighter outline. Because why not. And because I got a set of four brand new highlighters from my mother who got them at work but had no use for them. So I confiscated them. 

And now the last one. This one had inspiration from Pinterest. I even saved said inspiration on my inspiration blog. On Pinterest, it had the name of Forest of No Return and I really liked the name so I kept it. My version of the picture is decidedly less realistic and I think it strays into impressionism. still, I like how it turned out and I think that's the important thing. 
It is done with water... Nope. It's done with alcohol-based markers. Because I had several Tombow markers and I even pulled out my Tiger markers to add deeper black and add the blue tones to make it look more winter-y. It may be a little weird, but I still like it. Also, the white on top of everything, that's my acrylic paint marker. Basically, something like a Posca Pen, but it only exists in white, gold, and silver as far as I know. And I only own the white one. I had two thicknesses, but the thin one died on me. So I'm stuck with the medium one, but so far, it's working when I need it to. It's not like I use it that much. Most of the time, I add highlights with white acrylic paint anyway. So it can die on me too if it wants to. But it is a little more convenient for when I don't want to pull out all the stuff I need for the actual paint...

So that's it for now. Hope you like them and if you do, let me know in the comments below. And even if you don't, let me know what I should work on to improve. Okay?


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