Monday, April 6, 2020

Charcoal, pencil and a merman

I was watching a charcoal tutorial on youtube. It was about drawing an eye. But the main problem was, that my charcoal was not the smudgy type. So I had to take out my soft pastels, which I coincidentally, only have in black, white and gray, and try to see if they would work. And boy, did they! They worked wonders. I mean, the iris could have used a bit more highlights, but oh well, it still looks cool! I love how it looks! Done on an A4 paper with some tooth to it. The sketchbook it's in was a Christmas gift. :D And so far, it's working pretty well for me. 

This one was done while I was watching some youtube video about basic proportions. It was all about measuring and comparing distances. And the guy is like still doing the nose while I'm googling hairstyles. Basically, remember what's-his-name from the post titled "Who the fuck are you?"? Well, this was a similar process. Just this time, I did a female, just like him. But the end result is completely different. The size is a fourth of an A4 paper. Done in a basic pencil that I don't even know the hardness of, but it seems like it could be a standard 2B pencil. Or something like that. Well, anyway, I'm happy with how this looks. What do you think?
Heh. Frankly, I don't even know what to say about this one. I mean, it's not horrible, but compared to the other two, it's like a complete noob drew it. And maybe it's because it was done in oil pastels and on a rather small paper. So I couldn't really fit enough detail into it, but still. The hands are pretty horrible. Though my thought process is this: If I don't draw them, regardless of how horrible they are, I'll never get better at drawing them. So that's why I'm posting even this. It's not my best work, but it's not my worst either, so there you go. Tell me how bad it is. I can take it.


Written on: 8th of January, 2020

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