This first one, I don't even know what the heck this is. I know I had inspiration from Pinterest again. I get a lot of inspiration from Pinterest. As well as youtube. However, I really don't know where I was going with this. I keep thinking it's not finished but then I always change my mind and decide that it really
is finished. So, make of it what you will. I'm done with this picture. Washing my hands off of it.

A window. Where it leads, no one knows. It's, after all, boarded up. And with some greenery growing around it. I like how it looks. The colors and then the black outline in certain parts. I really love how it doesn't outline everything perfectly. Done in paints. And now, that I'm looking back at it, I think I could have gone in with a lot more green paint. Could have mixed in a lot more shades of it. But I'm not gonna do that anymore. Not with the black already added. Should have realized it before that. Oh well, lesson learned.

This one was inspired by a Pinterest pic of a Tuscan window. I tried to do something similar but I can safely say that theirs turned out a lot better. I mean, I like the flowers, sure, but the rest of it, it looks horrible. Still, it was good practice. I'm not gonna get better if I don't practice. Right?

A tower top. In golden color. Reminds me of some of the Russian palace towers. Done in markers. And the background was then blended a bit using water. Which, only possible because these are water-based markers. I do have some alcohol-based ones, but the color palette is really limited. Yes, it would have been enough for
this picture, but not for many others. And half of them are dry anyway. Well, maybe not yet, but I haven't used them in a while. So who knows... Still, I'm happy with this picture. I love this style of pics.

Last one in this post. Another tower. This was the first time I tried experimenting with adding the lineart after doing the paint. And yes, the roof is all over the place, but other than that, I think the experiment was successful. Yes, it's not my best work, but hey, it was mostly for the experiment. And not much else. I do like it though. Maybe not as much as the previous pic (the golden tower top), but I do like it.
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