Saturday, May 29, 2021

Cordelia Kingsbridge - Seven of Spades [Books 4 & 5]

I have finished it. Like, a month ago. But I had this sitting as an empty post in my drafts for a while. Sorry about that. Now, the books. Great! 

In book 4 we get a serial killer inside a serial killer. Meaning, there's another killer. Not just the Seven of Spades. And it's a kidnapping insurance fraud. Yes, something like that apparently exists. At least inside the universe of this series. Levi's ex is on the list of possible victims and he gets nabbed. Levi and Dominic are arguing and not with each other throughout most of this book. Still, when the ex gets nabbed, Dominic goes and helps Levi rescue him. And figure out who the culprit is. 

All in all, for this book, I loved the murder-mystery aspect of it, but I was ready to brain all of them because of the way they were behaving. And by the end of this book, I still didn't know who the Seven of Spades is. That comes in book 5.

In book five we finally figure out who the Seven of Spades is. I'm not gonna tell you, that would be spoilers. And I'm trying to keep this at least somewhat spoiler-free. Still, let me tell you, I did not even suspect that person! 

Thing is, there's some serious gang war going on. And they want to blow up the city. The only way to stop them is for Levi (now back together with Dominic) and his group to join forces with the Seven of Spades. 

Which gives us a villain redemption arc. And ends with the villain sacrificing themselves to save the city and everyone else. 

I have really enjoyed this series and in time, I plan on looking for more books from Kingsbridge. Her writing style is really easy to digest and like I said in the previous post, I think she knows what she's doing when it comes to murder-mystery.

I know this took a while for me to write and post, but at least I managed to finish some more books in the meantime. I'm not gonna write about all of them, but there's one that I definitely plan to write about. It's called Lacuna and it's fantasy and really great. The writing style flows pretty much in the same easy way as the Seven of Spades books had.

So, go read the series and I'll get back to you soon with something new, okay?


Written on the 21st of May, 2021

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