Wednesday, August 12, 2020


I just thought to mention that I have a blog where I post little blurbs. Basically, when I have something to say but it's not enough for a full post. Just something that popped into my mind and needs to be written down. So, if you want to check it out, I sometimes post even multiple posts a day. Not always, but hey, sometimes, I have things to say that don't need a full post and this is a way for me to get these out. 
Some of those posts might be longer than others, which sometimes happens when I feel like ranting. Or when I realize I feel like ranting in the middle of writing that thing. Whatever I'm writing. So, if you want to know what I rant about, check it out. 
Technically, this doesn't qualify as a full post either, but I needed to mention that other blog so that you know about it. I'm not sure if it has a link in the menu, but if it doesn't, I'm gonna add it there. The site is called Anything & Everything. Please don't get confused by the clusterfuck known as tags. The way I use tags there is that I tag literally anything and everything. If it has a relation to the post, regardless of how flimsy, I'll add it as a tag. I'm thinking also of cross-linking. In case I start mentioning other posts or something. It's something I adapted my Czech blog for. When I remember that I even have a Czech blog. Though I did post several things there rather recently. 
Anyway! You have the link and I just checked and it's even added to the side menu. So enjoy and maybe I'll see you there. 
Written on the 18th of June, 2020

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