Saturday, August 22, 2020

A Shroom

New pic. Drew this just a few minutes ago. I was just staring at my computer screen wondering what to do when my eyes drifted to the stack of sketchbooks on the side of my desk. So I'm like: "Maybe I should draw something?" And I went to youtube and opened my watch later playlist because I was lazy to search for something new. And I need inspiration when I'm drawing. So I picked a Paul Priestley video to watch while I draw. It turned out to be a tutorial. So I decided to follow along. It was a good idea. I mean. I wasn't following along very strictly, but it always helps me to draw when I have inspiration from somewhere and an art-related video playing in the background. Or even in the foreground. 
The shroom was drawn into a rather small sketchbook. The format is A6. So a quarter of a regular printer paper. I know you Americans are always spewing your numbers in inches, but I'm from a country where we use the metric system. And the A+number (or B+number) for paper sizes. I have no idea what an A6 would be in inches and I'm not gonna measure it. I wish the whole world would use the same labeling and measuring system. 
And since I'm actually not talking about the pic anymore, here's another thing I observed. And I think this is American nonsense again. Three-ring binders. You probably would think that what we have here is nonsense and feel free, but I think that two or four makes more sense. Though again, it's not about what makes more sense or what doesn't. It's about it being so different. I'm pretty sure it would be really hard to find two/four-ring binders were I to move to America or another country with this system. And vice versa. As much as I scream for individuality and lots of different things, there are some that are more convenient while unified across the world.
Excuse my rant and enjoy the drawing, please. 
Written on the 3rd of August, 2020

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