Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Cosimo Yap - The Gam3 #1: Opening Moves

The Game. The virtual world that decides almost everything now that the Earth is part of something bigger and space travel is no longer just a dream. Many different nations battle it out in the virtual reality Game to decide mostly on territories but also about governments and allies and enemies. You can do almost anything in the Game. And Alan is now joining it too.
Join him as he goes through the tutorial with his AI named Eve and learns how to fight, who to trust, and also how the whole system works. Encountering one of the mysterious Predecessors in the final stage of the tutorial sets Alan on a mission of uncovering many different mysteries. Along the way, he is set on a quest to retrieve a package on Kersath, the main hub and the one planet where everything mixes together. All the races and guilds can be found to have representation there.
After Alan manages to retrieve the package, he is allowed to join the trials for joining a guild. One of the most important guilds in the game. A major leading force. And along the way, he finds that his home planet, Earth is the best spot to set a supply base for the three factions that it sits at the edge off. So of course, everyone wants to gain control of it. And Alan decides to set his goal to keep Earth free. After all, it is his home. 
This is the spot I'm currently at in the book. It is actually almost the end of it. Like over 80% in, according to my Kindle reader on my phone. So far, I love the book. I even already bought the next two books in the series. Accidentally, mind you, but I would have bought them anyway. Even though the original plan was to wait for them to be on sale. Sadly, it's almost exclusively the first book of a series that is on sale, almost never any of the following ones. So who cares. I did it, and I would have done it anyway. Only, I wouldn't have probably bought them both at once. That's not my style. 
Still, I love the book, the way it's written, makes it really easy to read and also really hard to put down. Sure, I don't read books as much as I used to, but I did set my goal in the kindle app and I'm gonna keep to it and hopefully, even surpass it. I want to. I really want to. Good thing that I can just carry all the books in my pocket. Yay for kindle app on the phone. 
Back to the book though. Would I recommend it? Yes! I would definitely recommend it. Especially, if you like virtual realities, space and don't mind an RPG element thrown in. Normally, I'm not that big a fan of sci-fi, but this time around, I actually really love it. But mostly, it's about the style it's written in. It really flows and is pretty fast-paced. But not too much, that's good, as it doesn't feel rushed, just like something is always happening and you can't put the book down because you need to know what will be happening next.
So, if you want to read something and came here to seek some inspiration, look no further than the Opening Moves by Cosimo Yap. I got it from Amazon and you can too. Or maybe even in your local bookstores. That option is not available to me, but only because I live in the Czech Republic and most of the books I read are not even translated to my language, let alone in the stores in English. So I have to make do with buying them from Amazon. Preferably when they are on sale for zero$.
Up to this point: Written on the 17th of April, 2020
Well, I read a bit more of the book and I'm almost finished with it. Now Alan is a Black Rose Guild member but he and his fellow new recruits now need to be tested. Well, after this minder got him a pretty neat new implant. A robotic eye that he (Phantom Glitch) invented. As well as getting a pep talk about not relying on his AI too much. And then we finally get to the test of the new recruits. So, they get sent, after being drugged, into the Abbys Labyrinth that Alan visited in order to complete his task to even get a chance to get into the guild. I didn't write about this before, but he got a quest from the Labyrinth to restore its power. And now he's the only one who recognizes where they are.
They have to fight some mechanical spiders in there and then the whole group splits. Only a few of them, the major players, are left, so they fight the spider queen and defeat her. When they return to the spot they woke in, it's gone and the rest of the recruits were recalled back to the guild, turns out it was a gigantic elevator. And now the floor is gone, so one of the remaining players makes an ice bridge across and they go on and explore a bit before another elevator comes for them.
They encounter a new enemy, slimes. At first, they seem easy to deal with, but then they start merging and becoming more powerful. In the end, they win and all but Alan decide to go back. Turns out one of them was a plant that was already a full member and was there mostly to protect them. So Alan goes on and discovers some sentient machine and goes to restore some of the power thus advancing in his quest a little bit.
Not much else has happened. Only his new eyes give him the ability to see pretty good in the dark and see some other spectrums so he doesn't have to rely on his AI so much for navigating the labyrinth, now being able to actually more or less see the secret passageways that he had to find the hard way before.
And that's it, folks, I'm not done with the book yet, but that is the extent of what I've read so far. I'm gonna write one final segment to this when I'm finished with the first book and then continue on to a new post when I get to the next two books. Though I'm not sure if I'm gonna read them right after or if I'm gonna read something else first. We'll see after I look through my kindle library. Because who knows, maybe there are some diamonds in the rough...
Segment written on the 19th of April, 2020
Okay, I finally finished the book about two days ago. And now I can finally write the end of this post and move on to writing about the next book. So, Alan is now alone in the Abyss labyrinth and after talking with one of the AI in there, he continues on and gets to an area where he can finally do something about his quest of restoring the power to the labyrinth. Only, there's a Predecessor in his way. A prisoner of the Abyss. Alan talks to him and gets another quest. One that seems to contradict the one to restore the power. So, for now, he decides to play both sides. The Predecessor tells him to kill him and that the reward would be twin knives made from some special substance that uses the predecessor blood as the main ingredient. Soul steel or something like that.
So, he does that, grabs a filled power source, empty power source, kills some golems with his two new super knives and goes to talk to the AI of the Abyss and manages to fool it into thinking he's just studying the power source instead of biding his time until he has more information and can make a proper decision about whether to restore the power to the Abyss labyrinth or not. Then, he goes back up to his guild and tells Phantom some of what he learned. He shows him the empty power source but keeps quiet about the full one as well as about the knives.
And that's basically it. The end of book one. I already started reading book two and it's great. Can't wait to continue. So, I think I'm gonna end it here, schedule it for posting and then start writing about book 2 right away while the first part is still somewhat fresh in my memory and I can write about it in more detail.
See you later.
Final segment written on the 24th of April, 2020

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