Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Drafts or no drafts?

(Written on 21. 5. 2014)

I've been wondering.
About what? The draft system that many blogging servers support. Basically, it means you write your post but save it as a draft and publish it later. Do you do this? Or do you publish everything immediatelly? 
Me, I've got four blogs. One is just for my stories and fanfics and as such, I post there only when I've got enough lenghth of a story.
But my other three blogs, I've got them sorted out in a way when I post a post on each every three days. I rotate them. Each day I work on different one. 

And through that day I might have more than one idea as to waht to write. But since I don't know wether I will have an idea every day, I always post only one post, rarely two, when I want to get something technical out. But when I have more than one idea, I just write the post, add a note as to when it was written (didn't do that just yet) and then I save the finished post as a draft and post it when I'm out of ideas. 
Do you do something like this or not? I would be interested in your thoughts on this so please, share them in the comments. 


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