Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Robert Muchamore - Cherub series: The General

On monday (16. October 2013), I finished a book called The General. It's from the Cherub series I started reading a few years back. It's the ninth book or something like that. I did skip one of them, but that was because I couldn't find it in any library. And I sure as hell wasn't gonna buy it. It's not THAT great a book. Even though it's pretty good. 
Okay, enough rambling and let's focus on this book. It starts with two separate missions. One for James Adams, who goes undercover in a demonstration group called SAD, or whatever. His job is to get evidence that the leader wants to convert the group in a terroristic one. He's been on the mission for quite some time, but it ends when some other group of officials interrupts it and chatches the coulprits themselves. James ends up being beaten by a police woman. And that's that for his mission. 
The second mission is for a group of younger Cherub agents under the leadership of Lauren - James's sister. Their task is to check the security of a plane control tower or whatever that building is. They succesfully infiltrate the building and start destroying it, as their mission is supposed to look like an act of vandalism. However, it seems that one of the technics has stayed late that evening. She calls cops and some of the kids are caught. Some manage to escape. In the end, they are all set free though. 
The book then continues with a partizan war simmulation in an urbanized area led by US army. Some of the Cherubs together with the former leader - Mac - and the brain for the operation - Kazakov - are invited to play the bad guys. There are some things you need to know about Kazakov - he hates anything and everything american. He has a temper and is prepared to fight using all possible underhanded tactics as well as using anything else he's got at his disposal. 

In the end, he's able to lead his group to victory within only two days. However, his tactics get him a one way ticket out of the For Reagan where the simulation takes place. He's acompanied by James, who's on top of the hate list of the US army participants - as he put laxatives in the water supply. On Kazakov's orders of course. 
Throw in some casinos and blackjack and you have a great book. I laughed a lot when reading it. Also, I actually learned something about blackjack and the counting of the cards. I wouldn't be able to do it, though. At least not without studying the techniques for it more thoroughly (spelling?). It is, however, an interesting method of how to win, or, at least have a better chance of not loosing. 
If you've read some of the books in the series, I would like to know what you think. :) It's definitely interesting read. And I'll post my feelings about the next book when I get my hand on it. :) 
In the meantime, I'm reading next book in the Drizzt Do'Urden series. Fifth one, if I'm not mistaken. Also, I think I'm getting better at writing all these summaries. :) Hey, it just helps a lot, if you write on regular basis, right? Oh well... Whatever. See ya

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