Wednesday, March 30, 2022


Well, to put it as simply as I can, it is Minecraft on water. That is only partially bound by the grid. In Raft, you are only bound by the grid with the actual buildings/raft. Oh, and any object that needs direct access to water to work. Like anchors, paint mill and similar. Furniture, plant beds and similar objects can be placed wherever you want them as long as they have a solid foundation underneath. You obviously can't place them on water. 

I have found the game rather recently and I absolutely had to have it. So I bought it from steam and I'm loving it. Like Minecraft, it has several difficulty options. I started on easy and then found out that you can get everything even on peaceful so I created a new world on peaceful (you can't switch difficulty on an existing world) and never looked back. Peaceful is the only one where the shark (yes, there is this annoying shark) doesn't eat your raft. It will still retaliate when you attack it (as will anything else) but nothing will initiate the attack. Peaceful simply makes it so much easier to gather stuff from the sea bed around the islands you happen upon. 

Raft also has a story mode apparently. And it involves building the receiver and the antenna. So far, I haven't done so, so I have no information about the story itself. I was too focused on building a raft I can be happy with. And it's still not finished, but at least I already have a plan as to where to put that antenna and receiver. 

So, would I recommend this game? Definitely. And even more se if you like games like Minecraft or Rust (if anyone even remembers it anymore). Basically, if you like at least one base-building game, you will probably like Raft too. It is different enough to be interesting. I mean, you're basically stuck on the sea. Sure, you can visit the islands you pass by, but! Unless you have an anchor, I wouldn't stay for too long. Or your raft will drift away. I have no idea if you can build a raft from scratch, probably not, so it would mean you have to go and find it. Swim to it. On peaceful, I sometimes abandon my raft to swim to the remnants of a raft I see in the distance, but I always make sure to be as fast about it as I can. And I keep my eye on my raft so that I don't loose it. I don't wanna loose it. It's a nice raft. 

If I feel like it, I might make a screenshot of my raft and post it. We'll see. 

But for now, I would like to know if you have played this game and if so, do you like it? And if not, did I manage to interest you in it? 

On another note, there is one thing I don't like about it. No character customization. There is a pre-def male and a female. You can choose the gender, but that's it. That is the one thing I dislike about this game. Other than that, great and I love it. Though I'm not sure how much I will play today as I want to go back to play some Dungeon Siege 1. I still have to level up my characters after all. 


Written on the 12th of January, 2022

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