Wednesday, October 28, 2020

I like the house

 I got more art. After a bit of a break. Two new pics. Did them both more or less in one sitting. The first one is a blue-haired girl done in crayons. And yes, I know that the nose and the mouth don't really align as they should. So, either she has a skewed smile or there's something wrong with her. Sue me. It was kinda hard to do it in crayons. I just don't understand how people can layer them so well... I can do that with oil pastels, but with regular crayons... Nope. Most of those I own feel really scratchy when put to the paper. Although, most people I've seen using crayons on youtube were using Crayola crayons.  And they don't offer those where I live. Not at all. So I can't compare them with the ones I own. Maybe when I finally make the trip to a country that sells them, I will be able to do a bit of a test and see how they perform for myself. 
But back to the picture. Like I said, done in crayons. Just a simple portrait. I had no reference for this. The only thing I used was the image on the back of the page. And well, the paper in this sketchbook is really thin. So it was visible and I used it as a little bit of a guideline. And then I used reference for the hair. I am really bad at coming up with hairstyles. I mean, I can imagine them, but without actual reference, if I try to draw my vision, it all ends up looking the same. No creativity whatsoever. So I've started using references for hairstyles. And I'm probably not gonna stop any time soon. 

The second picture is based on this prompt. I decided to use a prompt because I had this sketchbook and I was like... 
"Maybe I should use a pencil... Nah. The page is too big for this kind of a pencil and I kinda wanna use something else anyway. But I don't know what to draw..."
So I went and looked for a prompt generator. In the end, I didn't use a generator, but a daily prompt of some kind. There was a choice of two. For today. A Dream House or an Icecream Truck. I ended up picking the dream house. Though in the end, I didn't really draw a dream house in the true sense of the word. I just drew a house. So I didn't fully follow the prompt. I just used it for inspiration. To kickstart the creative juices. And it did help. It helped a lot. The house is somewhat simple and I'm pretty sure I don't have the perspective 100% correct. And I don't care. I just wanted to draw a house. And I drew it on a grassy, meadowy hill. then I did some more hills in the background and added some distant trees. And also the path. Can't forget the path. 
Then I ended up cussing the living hell out of everything and everyone while doing the sky. Turns out I didn't have the exact shade of blue I wanted. And the markers didn't blend the way I wanted them to. So I ended up just mucking around with a bunch of other blues and added some gray and yellow just for the heck of it. Makes for some interesting effects. 
Also, I should mention that the whole thing is done mostly in water-based markers with a bit here and there done in colored pencil. I used a white posca pen for the window frames and highlights. And I practically destroyed the whole thing because I did it in a sketchbook that simply can't take so much abuse when it comes to water-based media. Oh, and the top left corner, the bluish-green lines there, that's me testing a new posca color I bought today. It was supposed to be a border of sorts, but I don't know... It looks weird. Meh. I still like the pic. Green posca or no green posca. 


Written on the 24th of September, 2020

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