Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Painting with Charcoal

So, been a while since I posted anything. About a week? Well, actually, it's been longer. I pre-prepared most of the posts you've been seeing. But now I got some free time so I decided to post more. And again, it's some pictures I drew and painted. This first is just a "study" of a nose. Just some practice with charcoal to see what I can do and how the sketchbook I was using would perform with charcoal of all things. Lately, I got really into charcoal and I'm doing a bit of experimenting here and there.
All in all, I'm pretty happy with how this turned out. Only, the tutorial I was following, somewhat, was using toned paper so that kinda screw with it but oh well, I wasn't gonna hunt down toned paper just for a quick sketch. Maybe for a full drawing, but not for this. Also, this sketchbook seems like it won't let the charcoal be smudged as much as I would like to, but I'm learning how to work around that. So we're good.

This next one is a painting I did that was inspired by Bob Ross. Again. Most of my nature-themed paintings are inspired by Bob Ross lately. Not all, but most. And this one, well, I really like the big tree and the smaller trees on the left side. I also love the grassy area but I'm bit bummed out about not doing the sky first, as this created a sort of a glow around the trees and bushes because I couldn't get too close to them with the blue without going over them. So, they're glowing. I'm also not too happy with the water, but that's my own damn fault for fucking around with a fucking fan brush. But I just wanted to test it out! So sue me!

Last one in this batch. Painted before the nature-themed one but is in the last place because upload positioning is a bitch and I uploaded the other one first. So it was first. This one was done following a Paul Priestley tutorial on youtube. Well, somewhat. I didn't have the exact colors so I made do with whatever I had. Also, I did not follow his instructions on the direction of the strokes because I think horizontal ones make more sense on pottery. Also, I don't understand how green equals blue with light shined on it, but oh well, there's a lot of things I don't understand when it comes to Paul Priestley tutorials. And not in the way that I'm a beginner, but in a way where it simply doesn't make sense. So sometimes, I'm not even trying to understand anymore.
However, I like the finished look of this. The only thing I would have done differently is the shadow. I really don't like how that turned out. Still, doesn't mean I'm gonna go back in and fix it. Not now when it's all dry and finished and done with. It's just something I know I will do differently if and when I draw/paint something similar in the future. 

Written on 14th of April, 2020

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