Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Drawing a lot more again


I've been getting back into drawing. As you might have noticed by to last few posts. Doesn't mean that the book review posts will stop coming. Not at all, audiobooks are great! It simply means that I will also have more art posts. Oh, and I've created an Instagram account. So if anyone wants to check that out, you can. I'll be posting all my new art there (but I'm gonna keep my art tumblr as well). I'm not gonna post things that are older and already finished. There's too many of those and I don't have the patience for that. Alright, I might occasionally post an older piece of art there, but it's not gonna become a rule or anything like that. 

I've been against Instagram for quite a long time, it seemed too confusing for me. But I've decided to give it a try and so far, it's not too bad, even if I've only posted a few things there so far. Not enough new art yet. But I'll keep at it. I promise. 

Also, something else I just want to say. The Seven of Spades books - I'm close to the end of book 4 and I STILL BLOODY DON'T KNOW WHO THE FUCKING KILLER IS!!! Just something to throw out there. But please, don't tell me. I don't want any spoilers about the killer's identity. I want to either figure it out on my own or be surprised when they discover his identity. Okay? Good. 

And I guess that's it for this post. As a bonus, you get a photo of my crappy colored pencils as an illustration for this. :D Enjoy.


Written on the 7th of April 2021

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