Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Cosimo Yap - The Gam3 #3: Sacrificial Pieces

 Well, let me tell you something first. This is a fucking PREQUEL TRILOGY. And I'm not happy about it. Most of all because the author wants to take a break from this universe. Which... Rude! Anyway! This book mostly deals with Alan fixing the Abyss Labyrinth and learning more about the Revenant faction. At least in the first half or so. Then, in Act 2, we get to the good stuff. Not that the Labyrinth isn't interesting, but learning more about the fucking game, well, that's the reason I devoured the book so fast. Even if it took a bit for me to write this. So! Warring factions, Haxlards vs. the Empire, Black Rose Guild stuck in the middle, people having to reveal true allegiances. And more! 
Turns out that the Emperor is a predecessor. The same one that attacked Alan in the tutorial back in book one. And well, at the very end, Alan sacrifices himself in order to kill this guy. And when I say sacrifice, I mean he actually dies. Only for us to learn something game-changing. Literally. Get ready people! The game has several layers. At least five of them! Inception-style! Apparently, Earth has never been anything more than a simulation run by the so-called gods. And now they revealed themselves to Alan. He's a major player now and he (and us!) finally knows something more about the nature of the game. 
And that's where it cuts off. Bummer. I mean, it's a great cliffhanger and everything. An interesting place to cut it off, but damn! I hate cliffhangers. This is also the place that tells you it is a fucking prequel trilogy. I'm still pissed off about that. I almost immediately went to google the next book, but it doesn't exist yet. But I'll be keeping an eye out for it.

One of the main reasons I really like this trilogy is the writing style. I might have said this back when reviewing book one, but I just want to reiterate. It really flows, is really easy to read and the way it's written simply won't let you put it down. I mean, you might put it down if virtual realities and sci-fi isn't your thing, but if you enjoy this genre, you will definitely like this book series. 

The one thing I did dislike about it though, mostly here in the last book, is Alan's mindset of trying to go it all alone. Never forming any worthwhile connections. I was hoping that he might do so. Hoped that he would find a friend in Void for example, but no. Nothing of the sort. At the same time, I can somewhat understand it. 
I'm not sure if the author thought about it this way, but the way I see it is that Alan is simply subconsciously aware he's only an AI. An algorithm. And that's why he's unable to form any real connections. This might change in the next book, but since it's not yet written, we will simply have to wait and see. 

What I do like though, is the fact that while Alan might have had a passing fancy for Aurora (daughter of the leader of Black Rose Guild), this is something that was never explored. Yeah, I might be weird, but I dislike it when a story with a great plot-line ruins it with a sub-plot heavily focused on romance. 
They always do this for the trapped in a VR (or another world) animes. I mean, I still love SAO and Log Horizon, but seriously! Can it with the stupid romance sub-plots! Especially if you're putting the main character with the most busty girl. Or god-forbid have him surrounded by multiple girls fighting over him or being his harem. I hate everything harem-related!
So yeah, I was afraid there would be a serious love sub-plot but there isn't one so I'm happy. Really happy about that. Good job! 

So yeah. That's it. See ya next time.


Written on the 14th of September, 2020

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