Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Gamer's Diary


Today I have finished the fourth episode of Wintermute in the Long Dark game. I finally managed to make my way back through the stupid steam tunnels. And then I entered the power plant again and there was this lengthy ending cutscene. And that was it. Well, there was a secondary cutscene that told us a little bit of what has been going on with the female protagonist while we have been in prison. And I think it also kinda sets the stage for the fifth episode. The fifth episode is supposed to be the last one. But so far, I have no idea as to when it is supposed to come out. I'm still looking forward to it though. I really wanna know what the heck is going on there. 

I've also played some Merge Kingdom and right now I'm playing Minecraft. Did some digging, some mining and now I'm waiting for it to cook. And before that, I did some elytra flying to a random cave. Which is where I'm doing the mining and cooking now. I walled myself in so that no monster can creep up on me. I also have some dirt blocks set up and am growing some wheat on them. 

And now the cooking is done. And I'm just waiting for the crops to grow. While they do that, I'm gonna go back to playing Merge Kingdom. It's a good merge game. I am really enjoying it. Even though I have almost always no empty spots. Because I want to merge bigger number of items at the same time to get the bonuses. Otherwise some of it si not that lucrative. Especially the premium gems. Yes, you can get the premium currency by merging gem dust and then further. But if you just merge three, it just adds them together. So three gems give a bigger gem worth three gems in total if you collect it. But if you combine nine gems, you get four bigger gems, EACH OF THEM worth three gems. I'd say that's loads better. 

So yea, gonna shut up now nad go play. 

After I check on my crops.


It's now like two days later. And I am again playing Merge Kingdom. I really like that game and I have finally summoned the third hero. A bear hero. So now I can work on unlocking, well, conquering the next few areas. But I need to have some soldiers for that and I am not collecting them unless they are the maximum possible level. Otherwise it is just a waste of resources. And I do not like doing that. 

And if you think that I am not using any apostrophes in this paragraph, you are right. I am right now i a situation where I cannot use my external keyboard and have to use the one built into the laptop. And I do not like it. But it will do in a pinch. However, it is not clicky enough. Or, well, it is, but not in the mechanical way. And I like my external keyboard better. The layout makes more sense to me. Also, big enter is big, not squished into just one line. And the apostrophe is in a different spot. I cannot get used to the position here on the inbuilt keyboard.


Another day, another game. Well, it is the same game again. I have finally unlocked the bear area. Well, I had the area unlocked from yesterday, but today, I actually conquered it. I finally merged the soldiers to their highest level and collected them for some fighting power. So I conquered one of the unlocked areas as well as the big skull island. It is a mine and when I clicked on it, it gave me a minigame of mines. Like the old windows game. But with graphics from this game. I almost got it but then I had o idea about the last corner. Luckily, my mom is pretty good at mines so I had her help me and she figured it out. So I got the reward and since it contained rubies, I was happy about it.

I also played a bit of Locomotion today. Nothing much, just changed a few trains for some new ones and then I sabotaged one of the competitors. Forced them to sell their trucks. But have not stayed in the game long enough to see what they would do with this situation. So it will be a surprise the next time I play it. 

I was also considering playing some resident evil, but hey, I kinda just wanna keep that for when I can use my big monitor. It is so much better to play games with that. That goes for most of the games I have. Honestly, everything is better on the big screen. So I will simply wait for when I can connect to it again and play then. But I will continue to play Merge Kingdom even on the small screen. It is one of the few games that make no difference. Just as long as I have a mouse. It definitely is a pain to play it on my phone. That one really IS too small. 

Though, there IS one game I played even on the smaller screen - Eternium. I have only had it for a few days so far, but it is pretty good. Though it is mostly a mouse game. Like, there are some keyboard shortcuts, but moving the character can only be done with the mouse. I would prefer to use WSAD for that, but the game does not support that. But it is good. A fantasy RPG with a leveling system. Right now, I am mostly just replaying already finished levels there and upgrading my skills. Need to level up to be able to kill the current boss. He killed me in one hit. Too strong for me still, but I will get him eventually. 

And that is it for now. I will start a new chapter for this soon. But for now, I need to write something different and this gamer diary is getting pretty long. Or, not really too long, but long enough to post. So that is what I am gonna do.


Written on the 7th of November, 2021

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