Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Legend of Grimrock - The Merchant's Basement

Another great mod for Grimrock. This one is also very story driven. Although... Who would have thought that going for some wine would end up in defeating morronic trapped idiots that want to rule the world and saving witches from the villans hoards, ne?
BTW: Does anyone know wether that minotaur can be added to your party? is it just that you need to save him quickly? Or is it just dialogue and no minotaur at all?
Whatever. I was kinda dreading the boss fight, but in the end, I just went in it with all I had. Which ment freezing the fucker and then going at it with dismanteler (kudos to the creator for adding that sword!) and fireball spells. As the witch was high on firepower. Literally.

I had to backtrack several times and I thought I was a gonner when the two wardens appeared in that room with that single preasure plate. Only, thank god there was that button that lets you run away.
Oh, and I got a question. Is there a mortar and pestle in this mod or not? I addmit there were  practically no plants, but still, just curious.
On the other hand, the empty bottles came quite handy for holding down preasure plates. Hehe.
So, all in all, a good mod. Only thing I don't like is that you cannot make your own characters. Like... the first one, I mean. I was trying to import Toorum, but no luck there... Still, even without him, it was a good play. Didn't think I would finish this quickly though. Only started it today. A few hours ago...
Guess I should go back to playing with my two main parties. The Epic one that has imported portraits. And my starting one that has been through the first ten levels of the original Grimrock. (Was too much of a chicken to finish it)

By the way, is it just me, or are the prison walls really scarry? My main reason for not finishing the main game. Oh, and the fact that there were way too many goromorgs. I just don't like those suckers!
So, if you want some action and hard puzzles, go play this mod. Supposedly there are two endings. I guess one is when Malbolna or what's his name, asks you to get a dragon to free him. Only, you don't have to. You can just go and get outa there. I'm not sure if that will result in fighting with the morron, or not, as I haven't tried and went for the dragon instead, but you can try. Tell me what that does, kay?

See ya.

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